Before departure

30 maart 2013 - Goetsenhoven, België

My dear family and friends,

first i would like to say, welcome to my travel blog!

Tomorrow at 07:55, me and my dear friend Augustino Di Catrato El ZoWieZo will leave for madrid and then an 11 hour flight to Guatemala City. I have been looking forward to this for quit some time now and thanks to 9 months of working, the help of my parents and the support of my family and friends my dream has become real. So many thanks to you all.

I'll do my best to repport once and awhile about whats happening and ofcourse put some foto's on this site. I also have a skype adress ( just  type my full name in the skype search task bar to find me ).

Let the adventure begin :)


Muchos saludos y adiós!





4 Reacties

  1. Geert Vervaeke:
    30 maart 2013
    Hi dear Floris,
    Hi dear Augustin,
    I wish both of you a safe flight and wonderful experiences in Guatemala in order to be prepared for more challenges ...
    I will be a fan of your blog!
  2. Guido en Lina:
    30 maart 2013
    Dag Floris en Augustijn,
    We zullen jullie reis met veel belangstelling en nieuwsgierigheid volgen. We wensen jullie een goede vlucht en veel succes.
    Lieve groetjes
  3. Geert Vervaeke:
    1 april 2013
    Internet café's in Antigua (tip ;-)

    Costs are about $1.00 US per hour. Most Internet cafes in Antigua Guatemala have high speed and Wi-Fi connections.

    Café Barista is my default location. It’s the character of the place that really makes me attached to it. For one thing, the bandwidth sucks. The router is located underneath the cash register which isn’t really ideal placement since everyone sits on the other side of the cafe, behind a thick block construction wall.

    Anyway, I like Barista because it feels like an airport: shiny, clean and bright.

    Bagel Barn has two wireless routers, which is such a good idea you’d think other places would do it. The vibe here is free-spirit backpacker, which I can do every now and then. What I can’t do is hot. Beware of skype’ing gringos siphoning off the bandwidth to a measly dribble!

    At Café Bourbon is an Internet cafe in Antigua Guatemala that is totally all-business and completely desolate during the day, just the way you’d like it for sheer efficiency’s sake. The bandwidth is good, however, we heard that they sometimes tell people they can only sit for an hour so better get your business done fast.

    Rainbow Café is another Internet cafe in Antigua Guatemala, but the Wi-FI is not really great. However, the food is totally awesome and there’s a lot of socializing that goes on among trekkers, hippy chicks and so forth to make this a place to do old fashioned communications. I’m like, “let’s talk and get to know each other face to face.” Forget the online here, though.

    Ook nog Connexion heb ik gezien.
  4. Geert Vervaeke:
    2 april 2013
    Hey vrienden,
    We kregen deze nacht om 01.26 een telefoontje van Floris! Hij stelt het goed en was helemaal blij. Iedereen krijgt hierbij ook de hartelijke groeten.
    Internetten moeten ze nog verder uitzoeken waardoor we niet onmiddellijk veel nieuws via de Blog moeten verwachten.